
各組同じにする低語アイキャッチ画像 中学英語





(1) We had a lot of rain this year in Fukuoka.
It( ア ) a lot this year in Fukuoka.

(2)I am too busy to go to your birthday party.
I am ( ア ) busy that I ( イ ) go to your birthday party.

(3) Shall we go to the movie tomorrow?
How ( ア )( イ ) to the movie tomorrow?

(4) Boxing is more popular than any other sport in my class.
Boxing is the ( ア )( イ ) sport in my class.

(5) This is your computer.
This computer ( ア )( イ ).

【問2】次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、(   )内に入る最も適当な語を答えよ。
(1)She is a very good singer.
She can (   ) very well.

(2)Jenny will learn the language of Japan.
Jenny will learn(    )

(3)Tadashi is fifteen years old. Mina is thirteen years old.
Tadashi is not as young (    )Mina.

(4)In Japan, the first day of the year is called “Gantan.
In Japan, (   )1 is called “Gantan.”

(5)If you don’t hurry up, you will miss the plane.
Hurry up, (   ) you will miss the plane.

【問3】次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、(   )に適当な1語を入れなさい。
(1) My mother cooks well.
My mother is a (   )(   ).

(2)There are seven days in a week.
A week (   ) seven days.

(3) What is your plan for this weekend?
What(   ) you (   ) to do this weekend?

(4) Let’s go to the park.
(   )(   ) go to the park?

(5) I am free today.
I have (   )(   ) do today.

【問4】次の(1)~(5)の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、(  )内に適語を入れて文を完成し、( * )の一語を答えよ。
(1) I’m so busy that I can’t go with you.
I’m(  *  ) busy (   ) go with you.

(2) Right after I got home, the telephone started ringing.
(   )(  *  ) as I got home, the telephone started ringing.

(3) Kent likes Japanese food, and so does Mary.
(  *   ) Kent (   ) Mary like Japanese food.

(4) The news was surprising to her.
She was (  *  )(   ) hear the news.

(5) Look at this map the little girl drew yesterday.
Look at this map(  *  )(   ) the little girl yesterday.



(1) アrained 


(2) アso イcam’t

「あまりに~なので…できない」 too ~ toを, so~ that 主語 can’t.「とても~なので…できない」に。

(3) アabout イgoing


(4) アmost イpopular


(5) アis イyours


(1) sing


(2) Japanese


(3) as


(4) January

(5) or









(1) too

(so+ (形容詞) + that 主語 can’t 〜> は、「とても(形容詞)なので主語は~できない」という意味。

(2) soon


(3) Both




(5) drawn


