(1) We had a lot of rain this year in Fukuoka.
It( ア ) a lot this year in Fukuoka.
(2)I am too busy to go to your birthday party.
I am ( ア ) busy that I ( イ ) go to your birthday party.
(3) Shall we go to the movie tomorrow?
How ( ア )( イ ) to the movie tomorrow?
(4) Boxing is more popular than any other sport in my class.
Boxing is the ( ア )( イ ) sport in my class.
(5) This is your computer.
This computer ( ア )( イ ).
【問2】次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )内に入る最も適当な語を答えよ。
(1)She is a very good singer.
She can ( ) very well.
(2)Jenny will learn the language of Japan.
Jenny will learn( )
(3)Tadashi is fifteen years old. Mina is thirteen years old.
Tadashi is not as young ( )Mina.
(4)In Japan, the first day of the year is called “Gantan.
In Japan, ( )1 is called “Gantan.”
(5)If you don’t hurry up, you will miss the plane.
Hurry up, ( ) you will miss the plane.
【問3】次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )に適当な1語を入れなさい。
(1) My mother cooks well.
My mother is a ( )( ).
(2)There are seven days in a week.
A week ( ) seven days.
(3) What is your plan for this weekend?
What( ) you ( ) to do this weekend?
(4) Let’s go to the park.
( )( ) go to the park?
(5) I am free today.
I have ( )( ) do today.
【問4】次の(1)~(5)の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )内に適語を入れて文を完成し、( * )の一語を答えよ。
(1) I’m so busy that I can’t go with you.
I’m( * ) busy ( ) go with you.
(2) Right after I got home, the telephone started ringing.
( )( * ) as I got home, the telephone started ringing.
(3) Kent likes Japanese food, and so does Mary.
( * ) Kent ( ) Mary like Japanese food.
(4) The news was surprising to her.
She was ( * )( ) hear the news.
(5) Look at this map the little girl drew yesterday.
Look at this map( * )( ) the little girl yesterday.
(1) アrained
(2) アso イcam’t
(3) アabout イgoing
(4) アmost イpopular
(5) アis イyours
(1) sing
(2) Japanese
(3) as
(4) January
(5) or
(1) too
(2) soon
(3) Both
(5) drawn