【問題】女性 (Woman) と駅員 (Station staff) の対話文を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。
Staff: Well, ( ① ) train did you take?
Woman: I left Paris on the Eurostar at 10 o’clock today.
Staff:( A )
Woman: No, I don’t. Oh, wait a minute. I have the ticket. I’m sure it has the seat number.
Staff: Let’s see. Your seat number was 7 in the first car. Now, could you tell me what your bag looks like? Here are some pictures of common bags. Do you see a bag ( ① ) looks like yours?
Woman: The shape of my shoulder bag is like example number 9. But the color of my bag is ( ② ).
Staff: What is the color of your bag?
Woman: Black, and my bag has a name on it.
Staff: I see.( B )
Woman: Nothing on it. Not a scratch. It’s very new. I bought it in Paris.
Staff: OK. Are there any valuables in it?
Woman: No. But there are clothes and some books in it. I don’t care if those are lost. But I also have my address book in it.( C )
Staff: Don’t worry.( D )You’ll get your bag back soon.
Woman: I hope so!
Eurostar : ユーロスター(ロンドンとヨーロッパの都市を結ぶ高速列車 )
scratch : ひっかき傷
common : よく見かける
valuables: 貴重品
clothes: 衣類
care : 気にする
問1 2つの( ① )に共通して入る1語を答えなさい。
問2 ( ② )に入る最も適当な語 (句)を下のア~エから1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
ア the same
イ difficult
ウ different
エ strange
問3 A~Dに入る最も適当な文を、下のア~カから1つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。
ア Were there any marks on the bag?
イ Do you know where your bag is?
ウ I really want to get it back because it is very important to me.
エ Your seat number was lucky 7!
オ You are lucky because you have nothing in your bag.
カ Do you remember your seat number?
問1 which
例1:This is the book. I bought it yesterday.→ This is the book which I bought yesterday.(これは、私が昨日買った本です。)
例2:I saw a movie which was very interesting.(私はとても面白い映画を見ました。)
問2 ウ
例:This question is difficult.(この問題は難しい。)
例:This book is different from that one.(この本はあの本と違います。)
問3 Aカ Bア Cウ Dエ
B すぐあとで,女性はバッグについて “パリで買った新品で、傷も何もない”と答えていることから考えます。
C 女性は,“バッグの中の衣類や本はなくなっても気にしない”と言っています。 そのあとの But に注目。
D 駅員の「心配しないでください。」 と「バッグはすぐにもどりますよ。」との間に入るものを選びます。