今回【中2】1学期中間(過去進行形・未来形will/be going to)
【中2】1学期期末(助動詞must/have to)
【中2】2学期中間(There is・接続詞)
【中3】1学期期末(形式主語(It for to構文)・疑問詞to)
【問1】次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適する語を書きなさい。
(1) I will study Japanese next Saturday.
( )( )to study Japanese next Saturday.
(2)He isn’t going to join the party tomorrow.
Не( )( )the party tomorrow.
(3)Will they swim in the sea next summer?
( )they going( )swim in the sea next summer?
(4)Please write your name here.
( )( )write your name here?
(5)Let’s go to the park after school.
( )( )go to the park after school?
【問2】次の日本文に合う英文になるように( )内の語を並べかえて全文を書きなさい。
(1) 私は明日彼に会う予定です。(meet / going / him / am / tomorrow / to /17.)
(2) 彼女は次の水曜日には忙しくないでしょう。 (Wednesday / won’t/busy/be/next/she/.)
(3) 彼らは今日の午後先生を尋ねるつもりですか。(their / afternoon / they / visit/ this / will /teacher/?)
(4) エドワードは明日の午後はテニスをしますか。(going / tennis / play / is / afternoon / to / tomorrow /Edward /?)
(5) あなたのために写真を撮りましょうか。 (take /I / you / pictures / shall / for / ?)
(6) あなたはいつ手紙を書くつもりですか> (going / letter / write / are/a/to/when/you/?)
(1) I’m going
(2) won’t join
(3) Are, to
(4) Will you
(5) Shall we
(1) I am going to meet him tomorrow.
(2) She won’t be busy next Wednesday.
(3) Will they visit their teacher this afternoon?
(4) Is Edward going to play tennis tomorrow afternoon?
(5) Shall I take pictures for you?
(6) When are you going to write a letter?